There will always be lazy people. There will always be driven people. Getting in touch with the millennial generation is not about motivating an alien race. It's like leading anyone else that you’ve led throughout your entire career.
Read MoreOver the past few years, storytelling as a leadership tool has garnered more and more attention. So why are people looking to tell stories, and why now?
Read MoreOne of the great privileges of being a leadership coach is getting to work with and learn from some of the smartest and most-driven people working today. You learn from each other, you form a partnership, and, as is the case with any good working relationship, both parties walk away from each interaction smarter.
A recent HBR study unpacked the qualities that make for a great leader. We examine them here.
Read MoreI once worked with a leadership coach; it can't have been an easy gig for him. My company at the time hired him to work with a few senior leaders, all of whom were themselves coaches to senior leaders at other companies.
But even making allowances for that, let me put it bluntly: he did a terrible job.
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