Posts in Culture
New Hire, New Headache?

“They just don’t ‘get’ how we talk to clients.”

“I had my best person train them - but they’re just not there yet.”

“I cannot believe they thought it was OK to speak up at the all-hands. They only just joined the company.”

How far do you typically get before the cracks start showing in your new colleagues? Before that appealing candidate becomes a Challenging Employee?

If the answer is “not very far,” read on - we have thoughts.

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Know the Answer? Keep it to Yourself

Most managers give feedback and delegate by saying some version of “This is what you should do” - and perhaps add “It’s what I would do in your shoes and I’m basing this on years of experience.”

The problem? This doesn’t motivate or reach most people. Especially these days.

It might have worked on you early in your career, but early-career you is not who you are managing today.

Fortunately, Ellie Hearne knows just which questions to ask.

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