Posts tagged feedback
The Gift Your Employees Actually Want

While an annual bonus or gift is seldom unwelcome, to truly show your team they are appreciated, the most successful organizations also give employees recognition throughout the year and in less-tangible ways.

Doing so shows that you care, makes your people feel meaningfully valued, and creates a culture of high performance.

Read on for more thoughts from our founder Ellie Hearne.

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An Unwanted Gift? Feedback at Work

Giving timely, constructive feedback can feel like a burden - an uncomfortable conversation we’d rather avoid. As leaders, early on we realize that giving feedback can be just as uncomfortable as being on the other side of the table, if not more so. But, without those conversations, performance and morale suffer, and we set people up to fail.

Ellie Hearne one why feedback matters - even if giving it feels like a burden.

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