Posts in How-To
Leaders Wanted.

It is pretty easy being a leader – when things are going well.⁠⁠

But in times of crisis, leaders are tested. People are looking to you for direction and you might not know how to respond.⠀

Within crises, though, are opportunities. Opportunities to grow as a leader, to motivate your people around a common goal, and to refocus on what matters most.

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Culture Matters: Tapping into Workplace Potential

When you work somewhere, in time you can see, smell, and all but touch the culture - but can you define it?

Does everyone think of it in the same way?

Are all its traits, values, and characteristics valued equally by all?

That’s a maybe, a no, and a hard no, respectively.

Founder Ellie Hearne breaks down what workplace culture represents and how to get the most from it.

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