Posts in Workplace
Working Well in the Age of Time Confetti

Do you ever stop working for the day, but find yourself looking at your inbox with one eye, while watching a TV show with the other? Perhaps even firing off a few replies? (And if not, maybe feeling a vague sense of dread or guilt for not having done so? And also kind of guilty for not paying attention to the TV show?)

Do you have a sense of your day’s priorities, then get derailed by a series of Slack messages or inbox notifications that aren’t all that important, but have piqued a feeling of urgency?

Congratulations, you have experienced “time confetti”. Ellie breaks down what this is, what to do about it, and how working hard and wellness must work together.

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Productivity vs Morale | a manager's dilemma

“A couple of people I work with are taking a bit more than they give - and I’m not sure how to handle it. It’s vital that everyone contributes, but work-life balance is also important and I am loath to push back on them.”

Lately we’ve been hearing some version of this from most of our clients. Read on to see why this is happening and what to do about it.

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The Opportunity Most Companies Miss

Talented, valued, promoted - and entirely unhappy.

Hard-working, a quick learner, loyal to the company - and looking for a new employer nonetheless.

Given a raise, new responsibilities, and a title bump - and making everyone else miserable.

Three scenarios with a shared root cause: not everyone wants to be a people manager. We break down the challenge and a myriad of ways to address it.

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