The Perception Gap

Different points of view and perceptions are often a force for good. Diverse approaches beget innovations and positive change. But when perceptions diverge over the fundamentals, things can get challenging. Fundamentals like business goals, performance, and issues of fairness.

Perhaps the most pernicious perception-at-work challenge is in the realm of performance. Employees who aren’t performing well often think they’re doing better than they are. After interventions by managers they say things like “But I did xyz…” - even when they’ve been asked to focus instead on abc.

Ellie Hearne on perception and performance and how to address the gaps.

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Culture Matters: Tapping into Workplace Potential

When you work somewhere, in time you can see, smell, and all but touch the culture - but can you define it?

Does everyone think of it in the same way?

Are all its traits, values, and characteristics valued equally by all?

That’s a maybe, a no, and a hard no, respectively.

Founder Ellie Hearne breaks down what workplace culture represents and how to get the most from it.

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